Thursday, February 19, 2009

Time For Basic Draining from the Wall of Shane

Shane Hall of the Rectangle Club just got his shipment of Basic Draining, his new solo effort, which he celebrates with a show on Thursday, Feb. 26, at Spiritual Haze in Worcester. The disc is available through iTunes, Amazon and many other sites, as well as at the shows.

Supporting Shane Hall and the Dust Collectors at Spiritual Haze are Dave Magario, Matt Flynn, Chris Anthony and Greg McKillop.

Hall is also playing a special show with Sage Francis and many of his label's artists at The Grant Building in Pawtucket on Friday, Feb. 27.

Shane and his band are planning an April tour up the east coast and to the midwest. Check out the schedule at

In Rectangle Club news, the band plays at the Tim Winslow show on March 21 for the benefit of his surviving children - flying in original guitarist Steve Brown-Boone for the event, as well as recording some tunes for an upcoming spy-themed EP. This show is billed as "The Celebration of Life." Read:

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